Our Story

Cabin Company Colorado started as a vision from one of our owners, Abby. She is a licensed Architect in Colorado and designs all of our cabin homes.

The whole idea to start building cabins cultivated from a client meeting in Evergreen Colorado, where Abby was called about a potential project for a new home that needed architectural plans.

This client had an existing 3 story log home that was going to just be demolished. It had plentiful logs, beams, timbers, structural wood decking that was covered by carpet and she saw an opportunity to "reclaim" these materials and use them for a different purpose. So a trade of services took place.

Over the course of an extremely hot summer, the logs, timbers and other wood materials were dissassembled and palletized. The logs were stored and 2 years later they were graded for structural integrity, repalletized, and moved to Breckenridge Colorado about 80 miles away where they were used to construct our first cabin.

The cabin was initially designed to have 2 levels of logs, but due to modern energy requirements, only the first level could contain the repurposed logs. The rest of the materials can be seen throughout the home as the ceiling of the first floor, and the wood beams present throughout the home. All of the interior doors are made from reclaimed lumber as well by the owners. All of the interior walls are made from reclaimed beetle kill pine. All of the lighting is handmade using reclaimed electrical materials. Everything in the cabin is extremely unique.

The culmination of this project left us with a beautiful home set right inbetween Red Mountain and Quandary Peak in the valley of Breckenridge Colorado. The home took double the time to build than initially planned, but we feel that this extra time gave us the opportunity to truly capture the initial vision of rustic, yet modern. It is truly a work of art, and we think you will feel the same way.

The Tear-Down and Move

Our Team

Cabin Company Colorado | Z-Man


The Braun
Cabin Company Colorado | The Architect


The Architect
Cabin Company Colorado | El Heffe

El Heffe

The Tech Guy
Cabin Company Colorado | Peggy


The Accountant

Cabin Company Colorado is owned by 2 families. Both families have 2 children, and it was for this reason the cabin was designed to house 2 families with children, equally.

Each of our owners has a unique set of skills, without which our intial project would not be what it is today. A lot of love, sweat, labor, and brains have made this cabin what it is today. We love our cabin and what it has become, and we think that you will too.

A lot of the items in this cabin were built and installed by the owners. All of the interior doors were made by hand using reclaimed lumber. All of the lighting fixtures in the cabin, both interior and exterior, were built and/or installed by the owners. The T-posts used for the ballisters on all of the railings were wire brushed and cleaned (a very dirty job!) by the owners after being reclaimed from a junk yard in northern Colorado. Even this website was built and is maintained by the owners. (seriously, we hand coded this entire thing)

As you can tell we draw inspiration for many of the things in our home from different places, but 2 of the owners are very avid fishermen. You will notice that 2 of our chandeliers are made from recycled fishing rods, generously donated by Gary Dobyns of Dobyns Rods. Needless to say we have now purchased and use many of his rods and they are top quality!

On behalf of both families, we would love for you to come and enjoy our cabin. We hope that you fall in love with it as much as we have.